
Welcome to (3pleR: Reduce, Reuse, Reward). Our mission is to pioneer innovative solutions in promoting sustainability within our academic community. Leveraging cutting-edge Internet of Things (IoT) technology, we strive to empower users to contribute to environmental preservation while earning rewards.

User Agreement

By registering and utilizing our system, users unequivocally agree to adhere to our terms and conditions. Our system extends its accessibility to all campus users, facilitating point accrual by depositing Tin Cans or PET bottles into our recycling machine. These earned points can be redeemed seamlessly via GCash for tangible monetary rewards.

Eligibility Criteria: Embracing inclusivity, our platform invites participation from all campus members. Accuracy in registration details and the upkeep of account security are imperative responsibilities.

Service Description

Our service functions as a peer-to-peer (P2P) system, providing users with the capability to convert accrued points into GCash wallet credits.

Limitations and Modifications: Operational adjustments or updates may prompt alterations in our service, which we diligently communicate to users.

Disclaimer: We do not warrant the constant availability, absolute accuracy, or real-time nature of the conversion service due to factors beyond our immediate control.

User Conduct

Users are strictly prohibited from engaging in any activities that contravene Philippine laws, encompassing hacking, unauthorized access, data breaches, or cybercrimes. This includes but is not limited to exploiting or attempting to exploit the recycling machine's functionalities, tampering with sensors or hardware, or attempting to manipulate the point accumulation system. Non-compliance may result in legal ramifications as stipulated by Republic Act No. 10175 and Republic Act No. 10173.

Privacy Policy

Upholding data security and user privacy is our foremost commitment. Our policies comprehensively cover data collection, cookies, personal information handling, and stringent confidentiality measures. For an exhaustive insight, kindly refer to our Privacy Policy.

Intellectual Property

Ownership: All data collected is unequivocally the proprietary asset of the company. Users are expressly barred from leveraging this data for personal or commercial purposes without explicit authorization.

Changes to Terms & Conditions

We retain the absolute right to modify terms without prior intimation. Users are encouraged to regularly review the terms. We alert users to changes through registered emails, platform announcements, or timestamps within the terms.


Account termination or suspension may be warranted in the event of violations or inappropriate conduct. Consequences may encompass access revocation, forfeiture of rewards, or constraints on future usage. Users bear the responsibility of full compliance with the outlined terms.