Discover more about Reduce, Reuse, Reward.

"Reduce, Reuse, Reward" is an environmentally conscious initiative that promotes sustainable living and responsible resource management. This three-pronged approach, often referred to as the "3R's," encourages individuals and communities to make a positive impact on the environment by adopting eco-friendly practices.

News & Updates

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Revolutionizing Waste Management: '3pleR' IoT Vending Machine Unveiled at Columban College

Columban College's Engineering Department introduces a groundbreaking solution, the '3pleR IoT Vending Machine,' aimed at transforming waste segregation on campus. Developed by a team of forward-thinking computer engineering students, this cutting-edge system integrates IoT technology to streamline recycling efforts.

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Sustainability in Action: '3pleR' IoT Waste Segregation System Takes Center Stage

In pursuit of sustainable practices, Columban College unveils its latest initiative, the '3pleR IoT Waste Segregation System.' Spearheaded by a team of visionary computer engineering students, this system harnesses IoT technology to revolutionize waste management on campus.

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Empowering Sustainability: '3pleR' Project Redefines Campus Recycling with IoT Innovation

Columban College's commitment to environmental stewardship takes a technological leap with the introduction of the '3pleR' project. A brainchild of proactive computer engineering students, this initiative marks a paradigm shift in waste segregation methodologies.

Eco-Centric Initiatives


Reduce waste by recycling on campus. Embrace conscious consumption and eco-friendly practices to minimize waste generation.


Reuse materials and reduce environmental impact. Extend the life of items and give them a second purpose to decrease waste.


Get rewarded with items or cash for your efforts. Embrace recycling and eco-conscious living, and earn benefits for contributing to a greener environment.